Overview of Fred Hutch Shared Resources

Updated: July 14, 2022

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There are many forms of large scale data generated here at the Fred Hutch and each has it’s unique set of considerations. We have aimed to connect to all of the Fred Hutch Shared Resources as well as provide additional context and information as they relate to specific Shared Resources that involve significant large data set generation processes (such as Genomics and Flow Cytometry).

Fred Hutch Shared Resources

In general, there are many Fred Hutch Shared Resource groups at the Center, from specimen processing to genomics. To get an overview of the current offerings of all the Fred Hutch Shared Resources see their landing page here.

Clinical Resources

  • Immune Monitoring
  • Therapeutic Products Program (TPP)

Translational Resources

  • Antibody Technology
  • Comparative Medicine
  • Experimental Histopathology
  • Glassware Services
  • Preclinical Imaging
  • Preclinical Modeling
  • Specimen Processing & Research Cell Bank

Molecular & Cellular Scientific Resources

  • Cellular Imaging
  • Electron Microscopy
  • Flow Cytometry
  • Genomics & Bioinformatics
  • Hutch Data Core
  • Proteomics & Metabolomics

CCSG & Other Shared Resources

  • Biostatistics
  • Collaborative Data Services
  • Metabolomics
  • Northwest BioTrust
  • Prevention Center Shared Resource
  • Translational Bioimaging Core

Specimen Processing and Aquisition

The two previous shared resources called Specimen Processing and Research Cell Bank have now merged and now the group is available to provide services such as receipt and processing of biospecimens with existing or researcher-defined protocols, nucleic acid extractions, DNA fingerprinting (e.g. for confirmation of cell line identities as required now by many funding agencies), to specimen storage resources.

Fred Hutch researchers also have access to retrospectively banked specimens through Northwest Biotrust. Find out more about how to leverage Northwest Biotrust’s biospecimen resources via the Fred Hutch CenterNet Link or the analagous UW Link.


The Fred Hutch Genomics Shared Resource offers researchers, both at the Fred Hutch and externally, access to a wide range of genomics platforms in a fee for service context often accessible via Hutchbase. The Genomics and Bioinformatics landing page is here. Services that are available range from study planning, nucleic acid quality assessment, to sample or library preparation, to data generation and basic bioinformatics. This page provides an overview of the currently available platforms, the types of support available through Genomics, strengths and weaknesses of each technology, and guidance for who to contact for consulting about your specific project. The Fred Hutch Genomics Shared Resource is a valuable wealth of knowledge about all types of genomic assays and are a first stop for more detailed experimental design advice and support for particular projects. Read more about what is offered in our page as well.

Flow Cytometry Data

While much of the information about our Flow Cytometry core can be found on their landing page, for current instrument configurations available in the Fred Hutch Flow Cytometry Core, see these pdfs:

For current startup and shut down instructions for the Aria, Canto and LSR, see our Resource Library entry.

Imaging Data

The Cellular Imaging shared resource at Fred Hutch provides advanced light microscopy services for biomedical and translational research. Our expert staff provides a complete workflow, including training for independent, 24/7 work in the core; assistance and technical support in microscopy techniques and their application; and tailored quantitative image analysis. We also offer training and support for imaging and analyzing gels and blots. We work with Fred Hutch users as well as external users from academia and industry.

For more information, please visit the Cellular Imaging landing page.

Proteomics Data

The Proteomics and Metabolomics Shared Resource has a landing page here, however we have curated additional educational resources here in our Wiki that can be useful to get an introduction to the techniques.

Updated: July 14, 2022

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