De-identification of Structured Data

Updated: July 25, 2023

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This pages outlines methods and tools that may be helpful for de-identifying structured data.

⚠️ While it is possible to de-identify your data yourself, unless you are an expert, we suggest that you seek out an expert to help you instead. There are nuances regarding privacy that you may miss without ample experience.

For information about policies and regulations related to de-identification, see De-identification of Data and Specimens.

The R language and the tidyverse packages, especially {dplyr}, can handle many of the tasks of de-identification of structured data. Below are some ways you can use these packages. Similiar tasks could be completed in Python/pandas, SAS, or SQL.

Remove or mask direct and indirect identifiersPermalink

Use dplyr::select to remove columns:


mydata |> 
  select(-full_name, -email, -address)

Identifiers include direct identifiers like names, medical record numbers, and e-mails, but also indirect variables that could pose a risk of linking to an external data set.

Use dplyr::case_when or dplyr::if_else to collapse categories, for example if there are outlier cases or categories with low participant counts:

mydata |> 
    health_score_trunc = if_else(health_score > 9, ">9", health_score),
    # sometimes you may want to leave a numeric variable in the data set
    health_score_numeric = if_else(health_score > 9, NA_real_, health_score)
  ) %>% 

Remove or shift specific datesPermalink

The {lubridate} package contains many useful functions for working with dates.

HIPAA Safe HarborPermalink

Replace date of birth with age in years:


mydata |>  
  mutate(age_years = trunc((date_of_birth %--% today()) / years(1)))

Note that ages over 89 must be bucketed (i.e. label as “>89”) to comply with HIPAA Safe Harbor.

Truncate dates of events, such as diagnoses, to the year only:

mydata |>  
  mutate(year_diagnosis = year(date_diagnosis))

Date shiftingPermalink

Sometimes dates are needed to understand temporal relationships in data. Date shifting is one way to de-identify data while maintaining temporal information. This is a more advanced topic, and special consideration must be given to data sets that are updated over time. Read Hripcsak et. al for more details.

Each patient/person can be assigned a random shift value in a 1-year time range:

patient_date_shifts <- mydata |>  
  mutate(random_shift = sample(-182:182, n(), replace = TRUE)) 

Then this data frame can be joined to other data and used to shift diagnoses, appointments, and other dates:

patient_diagnoses |>  
  left_join(patient_date_shifts, by = "id") %>% 
  mutate(diagnosis_date_shifted = diagnosis_date + lubridate::days(random_shift))

Elapsed days approachPermalink

Another approach to masking dates is to choose a “time zero” for each patient and covert dates to days since time zero.

For example, calculate time since diagnosis:

mydata |>
  # subtract the diagnosis date from each subsequent date
    encounter_days_since_diagnosis = as.numeric(encounter_date - diagnosis_date)
  ) |>
  # make sure to remove dates
  select(-encouneter_date, -diagnosis_date)

Remove and recode geographic variablesPermalink

Addresses, cities, and geographic information smaller than state-level must be removed to be considered de-identified. A 3-digit zip code may be included in a de-identified data set if they are shortened it meets certain population threshold criteria.

mydata |> 
  mutate(zip_trunc = substr(zip, 1, 3))

Resort and renumber recordsPermalink

Use dplyr::mutate and sample to create random ID numbers. Then sort using dplyr::arrange:

mydata |> 
  mutate(id = sample(1:n(), n(), replace = FALSE)) %>% 

You can then use this new ID number to link across multiple files.

Updated: July 25, 2023

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