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How to use AlphaFold3 with the new chorus GPU nodes.
Reference data is available here: /shared/biodata/alphafold3
Model Parameters
You will need to download your own personal copy of the parameter data. The request form has been sent to Hutch Legal Console for approval. I will download and share when the paper work is done. To request access to the AlphaFold 3 model parameters, please complete this form.
Sbatch Example
Example sbatch script to run AlphaFold3. Save a copy of this and modify it to suit your data.
is the current max we are working on method to request more. If you ask for more your job will stay in pending state.--gpus=2
is a serving suggestion. Request 2 or 4 to run AlphaFold3.- Please update the
for your work. - This script works from the Rhino’s or maestro
- You need to define OUTPUT_DIR, JSON_PATHS, and MODEL_PATH
#SBATCH --job-name="af3"
#SBATCH --partition=chorus
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --mem=1024GB
#SBATCH --gpus=2
# User defined locations
export OUTPUT_DIR=$SCRATCH/alphafoldtest/output
export JSON_PATHS=alphafold_input.json
# Obtaining Model Parameters
# Contact AlphaFold to get access to model parameters
export MODEL_PATH=/Path/To/Models
export DOWNLOAD_DIR=/shared/biodata/alphafold3
apptainer exec \
--nv \
--bind $DOWNLOAD_DIR:/root/public_databases \
$SIF \
python /app/alphafold/ \
--json_path=$JSON_PATHS \
--model_dir=$MODEL_PATH \