Changes to Bionic Nodes

14 July 2020

Update to NoMachine

Updated the NoMachine service with a valid certificate. Now when you connect to the service you will not get a warning about an untrusted certificate.

Enabled Arbiter

Arbiter (the new load management software for the Rhino nodes) has been in debug mode for the past few weeks to get an idea of how well it would function with real load. Thus far all appears well, so we’ve enabled this service to actually begin managing the load on the new Rhino nodes (i.e. enforcing limits and sending messages).

7 July 2020

New Local Packages

These packages have been added to the OS:

  • wkhtmltox (replaces wkthmltopdf)
  • finger
  • msodbcsql
  • “atom” editor (session servers only- rhino)

Slurm Node Features

We’ve added new friendly names for node constraints (i.e. arguments to the Slurm option --constraint=). You can now use the short name to get the desired node class, for example --constraint=gizmok to limit your jobs to K class nodes.

23 June 2020

New Local Packages

These packages have been added to the OS:

  • wkthmltopdf
  • libv8

Update SSH Daemon Config

Add the parameter “ClientAliveInterval” to have the SSH daemon check for client activity every 20 seconds. This should prevent idle connection timeouts (i.e. “Broken pipe” disconnections).

Kernel Tuning

Increase vm.max_map_count to 655360 (roughly 10x of default value) for MaxQuant jobs.

Node Exporter

Added node exporter for custom monitoring of hosts and services

16 June 2020

New Local Packages

These packages have been added to the OS:

  • htop
  • python3-venv
  • dos2unix

9 June 2020

New Local Packages

These packages have been added to the OS:

  • eog
  • keychain
  • sshfs

Expanded Node Health Checks

An additional node health check verifying sufficient available memory has been added. Note that this check has also been added to older “Trusty” nodes as well.

Arbiter Fixes

A systemd/arbiter interaction was causing the service to be terminated intermittently. This fix runs the process in the correct the cgroup slice.

2 June 2020

New Local Packages

These packages have been added to the OS:

  • emacs
  • bc/dc
  • zip
  • mutt


We have installed arbiter2 on the rhino nodes (rhino01-rhino03). This will replace “loadwatcher” in use on the Trusty rhino nodes. Arbiter restricts load using cgroups rather than killing user processes when overloaded.

This is currently running in “debug” mode to get some real-world experience. We’re planning to activate this next Tuesday (9 June)

Node Health Checks

“Node Health Check” from Lawrence Berkley National Labs has been installed on the new Bionic compute nodes. This allows us to add checks to verify node function and drain nodes when problems are found.

Fixes to Unattended Upgrades

Corrected problems with the processes that manage the automatic package update. Specifically startup of the daemon and email routing.

26 May 2020

Host Key Change for rhino02 and rhino03

Configured ssh to provide the same host-key across all rhino-zero nodes. This will cause an error if you already have the key in place (i.e. have already connected to these hosts). It will raise an error like “DNS Spoofing Detected”.

The command ssh-keygen -R <hostname> will remove the key from the local database

New Local Packages

New packages “agrep” and “python-requests” have been installed.

Remove MOTD Messages for Unattended Upgrades

Spurious messages from the unattended-upgrades process have been removed from the MOTD

Bionic Updates

Local bionic mirror updated with latest changes from Canonical

CRIU Updated

Checkpointing utility “criu” has been updated from 3.13 to 3.48

19 May 2020

Fixes to csh/tcsh Logins

Errors in the Lmod login files would raise error messages and result in a malfunctioning Lmod environment. These fixes address those problems and should restore Lmod functionality to users using those shells

Ubuntu Update

We are applying the latest set of updated pacakges to the Bionic distribution. As this is an LTS release we expect that this will only fix bugs- there isn’t any new functionality introduced by these changes.

Note that this may take 24-36 hours to fully apply over the environment and doesn’t include kernel updates.

This change will also add automatic updating of OS packages.

Lmod Update

We are updating Lmod to version 8.3 from the current 7.8. A full changelog is available here, but the most significant change for the community is the “extended default” matching of modules.

New Software

  • tree
  • chromium-browser (on rhino nodes)


Fixed mail relay settings to allow nodes to send email

Disable ecryptfs Unwrap

Disabled the PAM settings to disable unwrap of ecryptfs directories at login. Users with ecryptfs volumes will need to manually unwrap.
