The gizmo cluster will be unavailable during the Scratch file system rebuild. To prevent jobs from running during this time we have placed a maintenance reservation on gizmo.

Jobs that would not complete before the maintenance will start will be held until after the work is complete. squeue will show the job as pending with reason ReqNodeNotAvail, Reserved for maintenance.

If you are confident your job can complete before the maintenance period starts you can reduce the time limit of the job. When submitting a job, use --time to adjust this:

sbatch --time=1-0   # Requests 1 day


sbatch --time=12:00:00 # Requests 12 hours

if the job has already been submitted, update using scontrol:

scontrol update jobid=<jobid> timelimit=1-0

Updates to the Gizmo Environment

We are making a few changes to the gizmo/rhino computing environment. These are described below. Contact Scientific Computing by filing a helpdesk ticket (scicomp@) if you need assistance or have further questions.

Slurm Upgrade

We’ll be updating Slurm to version 21.08. There are a number of changes which we don’t expect will impact our current use of Slurm but upgrading will keep us well positioned for support.

Detailed changes are available in the release notes.

Move app file system

We’re moving the /app file system (hosting the software modules) to a different file server in anticipation of the retirement of the server it’s currently running on. This should not change how you use modules.
